Looking For Love. (But in all the wrong places)

Homosexuality and lesbianism have absolutely nothing to do with love, it is always lust. Strong statement? Yes, but a true one. You see, God has not built into the human psyche the ability to truly love a person of the same sex. (I'm not talking about friendship, I'm refering to 'marital' love, eros love or sexual love) The only thing that causes someone to want to have sex with their own sex, is the spirit of lust, it is NEVER love! I believe homosexuality is a person's response to some sort of deep hurt or wound, but it is the WRONG response and will only lead to more hurt, more pain, more frustration and more emptiness. But the most frightening thing is that sexual perversion will ultimately lead a man or woman to lose their soul and spend eternity seperated from God in hell. For the person who has been abused (not neccessarily sexually) or mistreated as children or teenagers; having sex with your own sex is not the solution. Perversion will not heal the pain. That will only make matters worse. Jesus Christ loves you so much. Jesus Christ wants to show you what true love is, not the lust that you are addicted to, and mistaking for the real thing. (Though deep down inside your heart, you know what you are doing is not right) Only Jesus Christ can heal the deep wounds in a person's heart. But a person has to allow Him to. Homosexual or lesbian, will you humble yourself, and allow Jesus to set you free? Turn to Him today. God is holy and He hates sin. He will not allow sin in His prescence. God gave us the 10 commandments to show us His high standards and as guidelines as to how we should live our lives. Because you have broken the 10 commandments, sin will lead you to hell unless you repent of your sin. You need Christ to save you. He is the only way to be forgiven and set free from sin, and the only way to eternal salvation. Choose Christ. Choose freedom. Choose eternal life.